英文写作专题(四):英文写作的语言表达技巧(Language Devices)
学习英文写作的语言表达技巧(Language Devices),是学生们在中学阶段(Y7|G6-Y9|G8),学习英文写作的核心内容。英文写作的语言技巧是通过特定的词汇表达和句式结构,使得写作中的事物描写更加生动形象、叙事的内容层次分明,语言简练、用词精准;同时,它还可以帮助学生从句子结构入手,从细节中理解何为英文写作的结构逻辑,以及语言的综合表达逻辑。
比喻性语言的基础表达技巧(Basic Figurative Language)
说明性语言表述的形式(Informative Language)
以事实为依托的比喻性语言技巧(Factual, Figurative Language)
叙述性语言技巧(Descriptive Technique)
反问式修辞技巧(Rhetorical Devices)
情感语言技巧(Emotive Language)
在Y7|G6阶段,比喻性语言的基础表达技巧(Basic Figurative Language)和说明性语言表述的形式(Informative Language)是学生在今之星学术英语课程中重点学习的写作语言技巧。比喻性语言表达的写作训练,能够有效帮助学生提升写作内容的画面感,赋予语言以生动性;而说明性语言的表述,可以提升写作内容衔接性和逻辑性,让整篇文章的结构布局更加清晰,使得读者能够通过阅读快速获得有效信息。
学生们有时在写作中会遇到一些较为复杂的概念表述,使用比喻形式的语言表达,可以使得读者更容易去理解复杂或抽象的写作事物。此外,中学阶段的比喻描写并不仅仅是such as、like等比喻标志词的使用。学生们需要更加注重比喻主体和比喻的句式描述,前后是否统一,比喻性语言是否能够营造出写作的意境。2. 说明性语言是非小说文本写作中出现频率最高的语言表述技巧。此类语言在写作的运用中需要注重以下几点:
- 具有礼貌性的祈使句陈述——用词需要精准且简洁,祈使句便于读者快速获取核心内容,同时在阅读文字获得尊重;
1. 如何在以事物描写为主题的故事写作中,使用比喻性语言技巧,让写作内容更富有画面感?
The rays of the setting sun of the gold coast beach gently shine on the endless blue ocean on as the sky slowly turns into a reddish-orange, the gentle breeze grazes the water, causing small waves to cover the golden sand, the nearby palm trees slowly sway their luscious emerald leaves as if waving goodbye to the setting sun. As I walked along the side of the beach as water washes over my feet, I picked up multiple beautiful seashells, being entranced in their beautiful swirly patterns. The sun continues to set causing a darker maroon color in the sky, then the sun hid behind the endless ocean, leaving its beautiful yellow rays behind as the night took over. The reddish-orange sky turned into a dark purple void with countless bright stars that look like fireflies, and the golden sand becomes a dark blue, the endless blue ocean becomes an endless dark void, and the palm trees stay silent as the cicadas start singing. I stared into the sky as I said goodbye to the Australian beach and its beautiful views, I slowly walked towards the boardwalk feeling the soft and warm sand cushioning my feet as the wind brushed through my hair…
2. 在商业宣传册题材的写作中,如何使用说明性语言表达技巧,使得读者能够快速获取核心信息?
Fire is a chemical reaction which relies on heat and light energy and is also an important part of the daily life of humans. Fire has an incredibly high temperature and can occur easily in many ways, with high adhesion, this allowed the fire to be both helpful and fatal.
Fire has been one of the most helpful’ tools’ throughout human history, it has been involved throw daily life, such as cooking, and is most importantly an unlosable part of the ancient society. Fire has been applied for lighting, guaranty of warms, protection from animals and beasts, and is even believed as god or the sign of god, by a magnificent amount of belief and cultures. Fire has saved lives and given possibilities, for many technologies we have today.
Destructive uses
Fire is also a highly destructible and dangerous reaction, which can cause major problems if not handled properly. The temperature of fire is extremely high, human skin can be blistered if contacted with fire. The smoke which fire creates can also be threatening, there is a good possibility to faint when too much smoke is preseed in. The biggest fire has once destroyed 7,400 km².
以事实为依托的比喻性语言技巧(Factual, Figurative Language)和叙述性语言技巧(Descriptive Technique)将在今之星Y8|G7阶段的写作训练中频繁出现。
1. 在恐怖小说中如何利用高阶比喻性语言技巧,营造令人印象深刻的环境描写?
A house looms over our heads, dwarfing the nearby buildings, its glass windows all frayed, fractured or shattered. Cars pass it every day - nobody cares. Silently, a roof tile drops and shatters with a sound that nobody hears except for a solitary bird, who was looking for another bird to eat. Suddenly, two yellow vans pull up, putting up red glittery signs all around the house.
The men walks in, ominous shapes linger into sight, silhouetted against the bright summer sunlight appearing from a shattered roof. Strange scratches covered the door frame, as if a knife fight had happened, and someone brought a sword to the fight, a torch was switched on and pointed it into a room - it looked like it was made of darkness, cut through the darkness like a knife revealing a dinning table with food still on it.
One man walked over to a musty piece of paper. He blew at least 60 years worth of dust off it and looked at the date, it read 1931,11,20 Tuesday, the same day the last inhabitant of this house left this world. Suddenly, a black and green eyed cat slunk out of the darkness. It brushed its body against the worker's leg and he corrected himself, at least he would have a cat after all since the new employer hated them.
2. 政治名人的传记题材写作中,应该如何使用叙述性语言技巧进行写作?
今之星Y9|G8阶段的写作训练,学生们将会接触到更多形式的语言表达技巧。其中,反问式修辞技巧(Rhetorical Devices)和情感语言表达技巧(Emotive Language),可以有效帮助学生,在英文写作中提升个人观点的表达形式和论证内容的写作质量。
1. 反问式修辞技巧(Rhetorical Devices)
2. 和读者产生情感共鸣的语言表达(Emotive Language)。
情感语言是通过一些特定的动词或短语来增强整体写作内容的表现力。例如:The government will reduce the interests 和The government will slash the interests这两句陈述中,reduce和slash都可翻译成“减少,缩减”,但是slash相较reduce而言,本意还表示一种大幅度挥砍的动作。因此,如果学生在写作中,用slash来替换reduce,能够突出句意中利率下降的程度,以及政府势必要调整利率的决心,给观点的表述赋予一种情感。
如何在以“艺术”为主题的演讲写作中使用反问式修辞和Emotive Language的写作技巧?
What is art? Is art just statues, paintings and buildings? Many parents are sending their children to art classes, but do the kids really understand the significance of art? Art, as we know it, is not just a picture of an object, but also a way to express feelings and perspectives of the artist. Art may not be very useful to many people, but it can be just as important as math and science.
One reason that art is important in our lives is that we can communicate through art. For example, many artists express their feelings and perspectives of the world through paintings, like war, as an example. Many painted about racism and discrimination towards people and what caused war, which can show us the unfairness and cruelty in humanity. Art can teach us many things and can help us stay connected with other people. Through art.
Another reason that art is important is that art is made from the creativity of humanity, and without art, there wouldn't be designs appearing in our world. If you look around, what designs can you find in what you can see? Structures, paintings, designs of your tablecloth, designs of your living room, designs of your blanket, anything. Designing is all around us, and without designs, without art, there wouldn't be any sense of beauty. Do you have flowers in a beautiful vase standing on your table, or in a corner of the room? Why do we have flowers to adorn our rooms and houses? Art is all around us, and we couldn’t live without art, and for many people, it is part of their religion.
The last reason that art is a significant part of our lives is that it is part of religion. Do you remember the glorious, huge paintings on the walls and ceiling of churches, and the colourful window, showing the God and the angels? All the artwork required high quality of artistic skills and a variation of time. The artwork showed the religion and the beliefs the people worship, and showing these images brought them together.
In conclusion, art is an important element in our lives. Without it, it wouldn’t be like this today. Art can help us stay connected, create entertainment and decoration, and being part of religion. Art is not what we thought it was, but it has more than we think behind a three-letter word.